Sunday, August 30, 2009

Book Recommendation

Servolution - By Dino Rizzo

This book gives the reader a history of Healing Place Church in Louisiana but goes beyond the step by step process. The author states that each church situation is different and this book shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a set of instructions on how to serve your community. Early on Rizzo talks about handing out bottles of water on street corners to hot and tired motorists. This may work in the heat and humidity of Louisiana but isn’t going to make such an impact on a wet weekend in Maine, but the principle is the same. The key: Identify real needs and serve people where you can.

Having come back from the Philippines for church planting, I (Jeff Hoglen) was presented with a question from one of our leaders, "If we partner with other chruches for outreach into the community, how can we be assured the people will attend our church rather than the others"? My answer was / and always has been the same as Dino Rizzo's. He’s clear that serving those needs are not part of a recruitment drive for your specific church. We are called to love our neighbors regardless of which church, if any, they choose to attend. So, the services are provided free and with love. Some may be accompanied by information of the church you are part of and when your meetings are, but in all cases the love comes first. Thats our motiviation - Love!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Marketplace Ministry

I'm an entrepeneur at heart. I've been that way since I was 10 years old when I started a lawn mowing service in my neighborhood. Today I have a few small businesses. I have one that is my bread and butter and the others are just a way to be a part of the community. Sure making some money would be great...but its not the motivation.

My latest endeavor is a music store (musical instruments not CD's or records) in the big town of St Pauls NC. Why start a music store? Because: 1) There wasnt one, 2) to be a part of the community and 3) to connect with people outside of a church setting. My thinking is - God has called us to be light in the darkness.....not a light amongst light. Most of my friends are christians, so I needed a venue in which I could meet what I call Pre-Christians : )

Speaking of the music biz: I went to NAMM in Nashville which is a trade show for music retailers. At the tradeshow, I met a guy and his mom who own a company called Goldfish Guitars. The body of the guitar is shaped like a fish. Their the sign of the fish (an ichthus). This sparked my curiousity and so I asked if this was a Christian business or was this just a logo. They told me they were believers and had made something that they thought others could use. Within that motivation had to be some seed sowing as well. I they were (and me too) at a music trade show with every type of person imagineable in attendance....showing the love of God amongst guitars blazing and drum cymbals crashing. Thats market place ministry!!