We worked with the homeless population for over 1 year. We opened thrift stores and had many of the homeless helping in the stores. On Saturdays we would go yard saling to get merchandise for the stores. Man, that was fun!! We got to meet so many great people...both believers and non-believers (pre-christians I like to say). It's amazing how our conversation would always go from the natural small talk to things of the spiritual nature. I want to say it was just us...being us and letting the love of Jesus shine through. We used these "yard sales" as opportunities to sow seeds. If we can do it....anyone can do it. It's not turn or burn evangelism but a way to get into the community and let your light shine.
Another thought: If going to yard sales makes you nervous....how about having a yarad sale. This kind of outreach is amazing...the people come to you : ) Be yourself and dont be afraid to make conversation.
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